Croton United

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Dan McNatty: Gary Shaw’s Letter Crossed a Line

I am disappointed that people feel the need to make Village elections so personal. Croton is a small village and we all have to live, play, shop and commute together both before and after the elections. It’s great that there is a high level of engagement in the political process but I think that Gary Shaw’s letter last week crossed a line in publishing some of my personal financial information in a public forum.

I understand that these are publicly available documents and he is within his “rights” to do so but is it the right thing to do? Does that fact that I’m trying to work out a modification with my lender mean that I don’t understand accounting and how to interpret financial statements? I don’t think so. I am acutely aware of the impact to people brought on by economic uncertainty and coupled with an increasing tax burden. The Board of Trustees can do it’s part to help all residents by ensuring that the Village implements prudent and sustainable financial practices. I’m running for Trustee because I want to help the Village and because I believe I’m qualified to do so. I hope I’ve earned your support and your vote.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed meeting and talking to people during the campaign and want to thank everyone for their support.  Whomever you support on November 8th, please make sure you get out and vote. As a “new” citizen, I’m excited to have been involved in the process and I’ve found it extremely interesting.

Dan McNatty
2016 Trustee Candidate
Village of Croton-on-Hudson